Sunday, June 22, 2014

A Jewell Never Forgets

Jewell suffers from seasonal allergies, which we have had under control by her taking two different medications daily, or at least until this past Friday. She has the stuffy nose, watery eyes, sneezing, coughing, and now it looks like the beginning of a double ear infection caused by all the sinus drainage. Tonight she requested her ear drops, in addition to her regular meds.

Apparently the last time she needed ear drops was before I found the Eric Carle Alphabet picture that currently hangs on her wall. 
Prior to me finding this picture there was a 3 piece picture of a cottage with green grass. About 10 minutes after I administered her ear drops she becomes hysterical because those pictures are no longer on her wall. They've been gone for months and we already went through the meltdown from the change then. It took about 20 minutes or so to get her calmed down, and we may have bribed her with the promise that we will look for new "3 pictures of a house and grass" tomorrow, after she sleeps. 

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Knoebels Amusement Park

Saturday, June 7th, we went to Knoebels Amusement Park. We were supposed to meet up with family for Jewell's twin cousins', Ersel and Gemma, birthday party. My cellphone had zero reception, which made meeting up with the family difficult to the point that we never did find them. We did end up having a great time and Jewell got on some rides that she had never tried before, plus even ate some chocolate soft serve ice cream!

Instead of going into a winded description of everything we did, I'll just post pictures!

Thursday, June 12, 2014

4 Paws for Jewell Jamberry Nails Fundraiser!

I am hosting an online party through Jamberry Nail Wraps independent consultant Bobbie Mauss. Jamberry Nails will donate 10% of all purchases to 4 Paws for Ability, and Bobbie has offered to donate 15% of her commission as well! That makes a total of 25% of each purchase being donated to 4 Paws for Ability in honor of Jewell! How amazing is that?

They have a design to fit everyone's style, and it's so much cheaper than going to the salon. They even have Junior sizes too! Check them out here.

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Possible Future Author

Over the last couple of months, Jewell has been creating stories that she types up on Google Translate. It started out as her typing a few sentences so that she could translate them into different languages (Russian is her current favorite), but it has morphed into her typing longer and longer short stories. Most of the stories are adaptations of stories she is currently obsessed with. The bonus of her using Google Translate is that she can have it read back to her and fix any errors if it doesn't sound quite right. Her sentences are getting better (although she still has trouble with of, a, the filler words) and her stories are getting longer.

Here is what she was working on this evening:

"Moby. I get books. Hey. What is an Eric Carle? The Very Hungry Caterpillar. Brown bear, brown bear, What do you see? The Mixed-Up Chameleon. The book called. The Very Hungry Caterpillar. What is The Very Hungry Caterpillar? One Sunday morning the sun came out and, pop-out of the egg came a tiny and very hungry caterpillar. He started to look some food. On Monday. He ate through one apple. But he was still hungry. On Tuesday. He ate through two pears, but he was still hungry. On Wednesday. He ate through three plums, but he was still hungry. On Thursday. He ate through four strawberries, but he was still hungry. On Friday. He ate through five oranges, but he was still hungry. He built a small house called a cocoon. He in stay more than two weeks. Then we nibbled a cocoon pushed and way out and. He was a beautiful butterfly! Awesome butterfly. The book called. Brown bear, brown bear, What do you see? What is Brown bear, brown bear, What do you see? Brown bear, brown bear, What do you see? I see red bird looking at me. Green frog, green frog, What do you see? I see a purple cat looking at me. Teacher, teacher, What do you see? I see children looking at me. Children, children, What do you see? Roar! The book called. The Mixed-Up Chameleon. What is The Mixed-Up Chameleon? The chameleon saw a zoo. It had never seen so many beautiful animals. The chameleon thought.  How small I am, how slow, how weak! I wish I could be big and white like a polar bear. And the chameleon's wish came true. But was happy? No! White."

Her current obsession is Eric Carle books. I copied the above exactly as she had written it. A lot of it is from her memory and is from her 3 most favorite books at the moment.

Here is another piece she worked on earlier in the evening:

"The Spring. Hi. I'm Bonnie. Pat-pat-pat. Clever's patting. Darla's patting. Ed's patting. But more help. Fast. What's this? It's a butterfly. The butterfly flies in the flower. What's this? It's a frog. The frog jump. It was not me. What is a sound of the spring? A bird. Right. Everyone say. Flap flap flap. Flap flap flap. One more time. Flap flap flap. Lower. Flap flap flap. We didn't"

And another from before that:

"The Birthday Party. Art by Edward Hicks. And. Music by Jonathan Sebastian Bach. Hi. I'm Darla. Ready. Set. Go. Birthday pieces map. First. We need a turning piece. Next. We need a clapping piece. And the end. We need an up and down piece. Balloons. Gifts. And cake. What is the holiday? Birthday. Right. Pat-pat-pat. Darla's Patting. Froggy's patting. Sally's patting. But he was pat. Faster. Turning piece. Does a turning piece? Yes. The library. The books. What is a sound of the birthday party? A party horn. Right."

This one seems a bit inspired by "The Little Einsteins".

She doesn't always finish what she was working on before she scraps it and starts with a new train of thought. I don't care that they aren't perfect. What I care about is getting to see a bit of what is going on in her head after all this time of not really knowing.

So Much For Being Cleared For Seizures

Jewell has had very short duration staring spells since she was pretty young. The earliest I remember her having them was at 3 1/2 years old. Initially I blew them off as her daydreaming, but they did concern me since it was impossible to get her attention during one. It wasn't that she didn't respond to her name, because she never really did that, but it was that she wouldn't even respond to my touching her shoulder or waving my hand in front of her face. Eventually I decided to make a mental note when they happened but not to be overly concerned, because how many different "issues" could she possibly have?

At one of Jewell's visits with her Developmental Pediatrician last year, I was asked if she had staring spells or episodes where she stopped in the middle of doing something, then went right back to doing whatever she was doing after the pause. My heart sunk. At that point, I had kind of gotten used to thinking of them as "just daydreaming" and had never thought to bring them up to one of her physicians. I described them to her doctor and admitted that I was pretty vague on the details, but that she had them on occasion and not very often. They were always really short. We decided to add a visit to a Pediatric Neurologist to get their opinion.

Jewell has had an EEG and a MRI (with sedation), both of which came back normal and gave me that bit of hope that we didn't have to worry about seizure activity. Her neurologist even said that we didn't have to come back to see her, unless something else happened to require further evaluation. I was super excited to knock a specialist off our list!

Then yesterday morning it happened. Jewell woke up happy and singing. She proceeded about her morning as usual. She started drawing pictures, still singing and chatting to herself. After she threw one of her art mishaps into the recycle box, she paused and just stared at the wall. I was several feet away from her and being puzzled at her behavior I went over to see what she was looking at. When I was about 3 feet away from her, she snapped out of it and proceeded to grab a sheet of paper out of her art drawer. When she turned around I noticed her pupils were huge. Several minutes later, it happened again. This time she was retrieving a new piece of paper and had sat it down on the table. She then sat on the arm of the kitchen chair and just stared off into space. I noticed that her pupils were dilated and her expression was blank. I waved my hand in front of her face and said her name, and there was no response. My next thought was to grab the iPod and try to get video (later I realized I should have touched her shoulder or nose to see if she responded). Normally when she sees me preparing to video her she will say "no iPod" or "no video". She said nothing, but made a small noise and snapped out of it before I could start the video. This time she seemed confused and grabbed the clean sheet of paper, balled it up, and threw it in the recycle box. She was very subdued and quiet afterwards, and it seemed like she was tired.

I sent her to school, like normal, and let them know what I observed. They reported that she had a good day and they didn't see any other "episodes". I also spoke with her neurologist and we are back to monitoring her for more episodes like this. The next time she wants me to touch either her shoulder or nose and see if there is a response. She will also be speaking with her Attending to see if we should pursue more testing or just continue observation for now. She did admit that they sound a lot like absence seizures but that they could just be daydreaming, and that absence seizures can take awhile to diagnose or rule out.

I just hope we can figure it out soon. I might need to contact 4 Paws for Ability and inquire about adding seizure detection to Jewell's service dog's duties. It's always something!

Monday, June 9, 2014

Schnoodleware Dog Toys Fundraising Campaign

We have teamed up with Schnoodleware Dog Toys to run a campaign to raise funds for Jewell's Autism Assistance Dog. "Schnoodleware makes a fabulous line of dog toys to do just that. We invite you to browse our selection of colorful unique fleece dog toys and choose one that is just right for your dog. In doing so 10% of your total purchase will be donated directly to Jewell's fundraising campaign. Schnoodleware fleece tug toys are durable, washable and assembled in the U.S.A."

Just enter "4jewell10" at checkout to have 10% of your purchase donated directly to 4 Paws for Ability in honor of Jewell. By using "4jewell10" you will also get 10% off your purchase price.

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

5 Weeks of Fundraising Complete

I was trying to post our fundraising updates on Fridays, but I ended up getting too busy with the actual fundraising projects. Our weekend was full of me keeping Jewell occupied, so again no chance. I promise that I will try to be better about my updates.

Face painted.
We did go to the "Kickoff Celebration for the Summer Reading Program" at our local public library and attended an event called "Mad Science: Spin, Pop, Boom" on Saturday that was really fun. They had tons of activities for the kids, face painting, and a scavenger hunt. Jewell decided to try face painting and insisted the girl give her a beak, as well as a blue bird on her cheek.

Red Bird
White Dog
The "Mad Science" event was a cool show for the kids with a scientist that showed them chemical reactions between things like baking soda a vinegar. Luckily I brought fidgets to keep Jewell busy, but it didn't stop her from wanting to try and give the other kids bunny ears. Not sure why she keeps insisting on doing that.
The Very Hungry Caterpillar
On Sunday, we went swimming at Jewell's Mommom's house. She is very serious about her swimming, and I am thinking she may grow gills and turn into a fish... especially after being in the pool for 6 hours!
Jewell the Fish

Okay, back to the original point of this post!
For week 5 fundraising efforts:
  •  Eddie and I discussed the Yard Sale to benefit 4 Paws for Ability that we want to organize for September. The idea is to collect items to sell at a yard sale and donate all the proceeds to 4 Paws for Ability. Most of the items will not be priced and will be left to the customer to decide how much it;s worth.
  • We also discussed doing a 50/50 raffle. Winner gets half of the pot and the other half goes to 4 Paws.
  • I received the draft from Schnoodleware Dog Toys. They will be donating 20% of sales to 4 Paws, in honor of Jewell, just by using a special code.
  • I mailed out about 16 packets to local hospitals and various other businesses. 

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Jewell Loves Dogs!

Jewell and King.
This is Jewell with her older brother's dog, King. King is a Bullypit, which is a cross between an American Bulldog and an American Pit Bull Terrier. He is a few months over a year old and still very much a puppy.

This picture was taken a couple weekends ago and is rare in that Jewell has only ever had the chance to pet King once or twice before. King gets excited pretty easily and will chew on fingers. He doesn't do it to be mean, it's just him being a puppy. Because Jewell flaps her hands so much and also gets excited so easily, it is hard for King to stay calm enough to let her pet him and love on him. On this day, I worked with him for several hours and rewarded him for good behavior. By the time this picture was taken, he figured out that I was giving him treats for exceptional behavior! The picture that we weren't able to get was Jewell giving King two kisses and telling him she loved him! She was also able to put her face right up to his without him getting to excited.

This is my husband's cousin's dog, Lola. She is a Shih Tzu and is almost 7 years old. Lola would be the exact opposite of King, in that she is very calm and laid back.

The surprising thing about Jewell's interaction with her is that Jewell is normally really nervous around smaller dogs. Once she realized that Lola wasn't going to start barking or jumping on her, she fell in love with her right away. Lola even tolerated Jewell putting bunny ears and hats on her. Jewell was so impressed that she told Lola that she loved her.

Jewell also regularly interacts with my brother's German Shepherd, Shasta, and my sister-in-law's Chocolate Lab, Charlie. She adores both of them, and Shasta has also tolerated Jewell's desire to play dress up with her.

I can only imagine what type of interaction and bond Jewell will have when she gets to meet her very special service dog that is picked specifically for her!

Friday, May 23, 2014

Week 4 of Fundraising for 4 Paws Complete

4 Paws for Ability logo
Today marks the end of 4 weeks since I opened our fundraising efforts for 4 Paws for Ability in honor of Jewell. Currently we have raised $770 towards our $14,000 goal. I have complete faith that we will make that goal and that it won't take us an extremely long time to do it!

All donations to this point have come through our Razoo site and from donations made directly to 4 Paws for Ability, either on their website or through the mail. We have some events that are still in the planning phases, like a "Cut-a-Thon" and a Yard Sale, and I will be sure to release those details once we get all the kinks worked out. We are also looking at doing something with Jewell's school, and maybe some of the other local schools, during next school year.

What I have accomplished this week:
  • Compiled lists of local organizations that I want to contact for donations or assistance in fundraising
  • Created packets to hand deliver and mail out 
  • Mailed out several packets to local organizations
  • Discovered I already had a contact (or two) with the local Lions Club and hand delivered a packet, per her request to assist with fundraising
4 Paws for Ability has an amazing community of people that have already received their child's service dog, people that foster and train the service dogs, people that are currently in class for or awaiting class to start to get their dog, and people that are in the fundraising process (like us). These people are turning out to be a wonderful support system and full of ideas that worked for them. I truly appreciate their help!

I've had several people questioning when our fundraiser will be over. We will continue to raise funds for 4 Paws for Ability until we reach that $14,000 goal. There is not a timeline. Some people are able to raise the funds faster and others take a little longer. From what I hear it ranges from 3 month - 8 months for most people. Once we hit that goal, we will probably be doing another fundraiser to raise funds for our trip to Ohio for training and for doggie supplies. That fundraiser will be completely separate from this one and cannot be started until this one is completed. I will post details closer to that time and once I figure out the details involved.

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Service Dog Quote

"Assistance dogs are an effective way to break open the social atmosphere wherever they go with their children, and this is a somewhat hidden benefit of an assistance dog partnership with a child as it is not widely understood how cloistering our tight fitting cultural skin can be to someone who is not mainstream. Everyone relaxes in the presence of an assistance dog, and in this way the dog’s function can include soothing John Q. Public’s fear of relating to people with developmental differences in order to allow them to relate to someone who really needs them to be included in the fabric of the community in which he lives." --Patty Dobbs Gross

4 Paws for Ability Autism logo
Jewell struggles with social communication and interacting. One of the benefits we hope to see, from getting her Autism Assistance Dog, is the social aspect.

If you would like to help us in raising the funds to support the mission at 4 Paws for Ability, and get Jewell her dog, you can get more information on how to do that here:

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Fundraising: Working on Packets

"In Honor of Jewell Staples" and address labels for envelops for packets
Today I am working on the packets to be sent out and/or handed out for our 4 Paws for Ability fundraising efforts. I've made lists of people to send them to, and I have copies of the donation forms being made. Currently I am working on addressing the envelopes for donations to be mailed to 4 Paws for Ability. I think they turned out pretty good. 
Finished product

Tomorrow is Fun & Fitness Day at Jewell's school, so I probably won't get much done besides going to her school. Thursday, the plan is to get color copies of the press release made, pick up the donation copies, and get some other errands done. Hopefully I can start mailing the packets out on Friday!

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Mother's Day and Sprained Ankles

Jewell and Mommy
My Mother's Day ended with a visit to Patient First with Jewell. She had slipped on an area rug at my parents' house and sprained her right ankle. Thank goodness it wasn't a break!

Jewell normally has very little reaction when she gets hurt. She might fuss over having a "Boo-Boo" and want some "medicine spray" on the injury, but there are never any tears or dramatics. She shocked and worried us when she let out a loud yell when she slipped. I kept waiting for her to jump up and continue on her way to the playroom with her cousin, Shakira. I waited for 30-45 minutes before deciding that she definitely needed to have it checked out, just to be certain. The deciding factor was when she started crawling around and refusing to walk.
Jewell in wheelchair at Patient First
As you can see in the picture on the right, she was fine once we got to Patient First and especially when they offered her a wheelchair ride. The x-rays didn't show a break, so after wrapping her ankle with an Ace bandage and fitting her with a boot we were done.

As of today, she is wearing her regular shoe on her right foot. She still says the area near her little toe is sore and she is walking on the heel of that foot, but it appears to be getting better. She didn't have any bad bruising or swelling, so that is also a plus!

I hope everyone else had a less exciting Mother's Day!

Saturday, May 10, 2014

She Makes My Heart Smile

I'm looking through my iPod and find this. Jewell made it all on her own on Friday.
Picture made by Jewell on my iPod using the PhotoGrid app.

Dutch Apple Dinner Theater Trip

On Thursday, Jewell and the rest of the 1st grade at her school went to Dutch Apple Dinner Theater in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. I accompanied them on the trip, and we had a buffet lunch and saw a musical adaptation of Sleeping Beauty. It was a wonderful field trip and everyone had lots of fun.

My girl, Jewell, did absolutely AMAZING! I packed a backup lunch, in case she wouldn't eat any of the buffet offerings, and I packed the iPod and a bunch of fidget toys. As we were walking out the door, Jewell added four of her favorite beanie babies to the mix.

The bus ride was about an hour each way. Jewell only gets to ride the bus on field trips, since we walk to school. She was excited about the ride and spent a lot of time looking out the window on the way there. She did share her beanies with the three boys in the seat next to ours and the girl in front.

At the theater she chose chicken nuggets from the buffet. She ended up eating two of them! It was a good thing I had her backup lunch because she ate some of that too (and the Smarties I brought)!

During the show she was completely enthralled with the performance. There was no eloping. She did come sit on my lap and the Special Educator's lap a few times, but for the most part she was in her seat happily flapping away. She clapped, cheered, and even laughed at appropriate times.

The magic truly happened after the show during the Q&A session. Some of the cast members came into the audience to assist with getting questions from the kids. The blue fairy, Minerva, (played by Lisa Coday) was in our row getting a question from a girl sitting behind us. Jewell told me "hug", but I didn't immediately get what she was asking. She wanted a hug from "Minerva" and the wonderful woman happily obliged! She also indulged Jewell's curiosity and allowed her to inspect the costume! Then Jewell looked her in the eye and said, "I love you." Yup, she totally made this proud momma tear up, which earned me a hug from "Minerva" too!
Picture taken by Jewell's Special Educator and is Jewell and "Minerva", played by Lisa Coday at Dutch Apple Dinner Theater's performance of Sleeping Beauty.

Friday, May 2, 2014

We are now also on!

I just finished setting up a campaign on to help our fundraising efforts for 4 Paws for Ability. The upside is getting the information out there. The downside is that I could only set the campaign to run until May 22, 2014 due to changing providers.

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Press Release


Contact: Christa Staples  

Contact: 4 Paws for Ability
253 Dayton Avenue
Xenia, Ohio 45385                           


Service Dogs Help to Gain Independence and Confidence for Children and Give “Piece of Mind” to Parents

10003502_10152534954373488_1243520373_n.jpgConowingo, Maryland, April, 27, 2014 -- Like most 7 year old children, Jewell Staples is a perfectionist and is curious about the world around her. She loves art and music, is energetic, and thrives on having a routine. She goes to school and is in the 1st grade, but unlike most of her peers, Jewell requires modifications and a paraprofessional aide to get through her day. Her parents have never had a back-and-forth conversation with her even though she speaks very clearly, and has a large vocabulary.

Jewell has received a myriad of diagnoses including Autism Spectrum Disorder and Severe Mixed Receptive-Expressive Language Disorder. She exhibits decreased processing in sensory integration and cognition, hypermobile joints, and low muscle tone. She also has trouble staying on task and difficulty with socialization. Jewell has to be under constant supervision and is prone to wandering. In addition to services she receives at school, she also attends several different therapies throughout the week including occupational therapy, speech therapy, and music therapy.

Jewell and her mother were introduced to a service dog several years ago when Jewell attended dance therapy. Jewell was immediately drawn to the dog, and her mother discovered that the family received the dog from 4 Paws for Ability. While researching the benefits of service dogs specifically for Autism, she learned that they can help with wandering behaviors, soothing meltdowns, and that they can be a bridge for socialization, all of which Jewell struggles with on a daily basis. At the time, Jewell’s family decided to hold off of trying to acquire a service dog until a later date. That later date has finally come, as the need for assistance to keep Jewell safe is becoming more necessary with each passing day.

After completing the application process, Jewell has been approved for an Autism Assistance Dog. Her dog will be trained in behavior disruption, tethering, and tracking. The 4 Paws for Ability website states, “At 4 Paws we have discovered a magic that exists between children and dogs, a magic that can become a life-saving miracle for a child paired with one of our Autism Assistance Dogs.” Jewell’s family is also hoping that the dog will provide her with the companionship and independence that she is currently lacking, as well as to help increase her confidence.

The cost to train one of these service dogs is $22,000. Jewell’s family has committed to helping to raise $14,000 for 4 Paws for Ability in support of their mission and can achieve that goal with your help. Please visit to donate, and make sure you note that your donation is made in honor of Jewell Staples. You can also donate at or find more information at

About 4 Paws for Ability:
The organization was founded in 1998 by Karen Shirk, after having difficulty obtaining a service dog for herself from traditional service dog agencies. 4 Paws for Ability is a nonprofit, 501(c)(3) organization whose mission is to place quality service dogs with children with disabilities and veterans who have lost use of limbs or hearing; help with animal rescue, and educate the public regarding use of service dogs in public places.

Media Contact:
Whitney Hitt
253 Dayton Avenue
Xenia, Ohio 45385
(937) 768-9096

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Jewell's Story

Jewell's 1st visit with the Easter Bunny (2014). 
Jewell is a happy and energetic 7 year old girl. She is a perfectionist, curious about the world around her, has an infectious smile and a contagious laugh.  She loves animals, nature, drawing, singing and Legos. Jewell enjoys going to the playground and swimming.

Like most kids her age, Jewell loves to play and wants to make friends. The difference between her and her peers is that social situations are really difficult for her. She has many sensory issues that make every day a challenge. While she is very verbal, not much of her speech is used for communicating socially. She uses mostly repetitive speech (echolalia) and scripted speech. Luckily for Jewell, her peers at school are excellent helpers and try to include her, in addition to trying to help her stay on task with her schoolwork. She also has a dedicated paraprofessional aide to help her get through her day at school.

We noticed that Jewell’s language wasn’t developing normally when she was around a year old. She seemed to get frustrated and agitated easily. Her pediatrician recommended contacting our local Infants and Toddlers program, and we got her started in early intervention services. After her 3rd birthday, we had her evaluated at Kennedy Krieger Institute’s Center for Autism and Related Disorders when it became apparent that her social skills weren’t developing and she continued to become more withdrawn. Jewell received a diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder, as well as severe mixed receptive-expressive language disorder, developmental delays, neuromotor abnormalities and oral motor apraxia. Later she was also diagnosed with sensory processing disorder, hypotonia, joint hypermobility, Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease (X-linked) and hyperkinetic syndrome. She is currently being monitored for possible Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, seizure disorder and pica.

Our first experience with a service dog was at a dance therapy class that Jewell was enrolled in from 2011-2012. A family that attended with their children had acquired a service dog through 4 Paws for Ability. Jewell was immediately attracted to the dog, and his presence in the room was calming to her. When she felt stressed she would go over and lay with him (with permission). I was amazed and researched the organization, along with the possibility of a service dog for a child like Jewell. At the time we decided to hold off on starting the process of getting her a service dog.

Now we have decided that it is time to get the ball rolling, as the need to keep Jewell safe is becoming more necessary with each passing day. Her wandering behaviors are increasing, as is her desire for independence. She no longer is satisfied with having to hold Mommy or Daddy’s hand when out in public. Having a service dog will enable us to have the ability to track her if she does happen to wander, on top of giving us the ability to tether her to the dog when out so that she can have more independence from us and feel more like a 7 year old girl. The dog will also be trained to disrupt behaviors, which will make it less obvious to others that she is doing them in the first place. Our hope is that she will also gain a companion and friend that will love her unconditionally.

We have completed the application and interview process, and Jewell was approved for an Autism Assistance Dog. It will cost 4 Paws $22,000 to place a dog with Jewell. We are committed to raising $14,000 in support of the 4 Paws Mission and can reach our goal with your help. Any help that can be provided would be greatly appreciated. If you can help us with a tax-deductible donation, please click the green "Donate" button on the right or visit the 4 Paws Donation Page ( You can also mail a check with Jewell’s name on the memo line to: 4 Paws for Ability, In Honor of Jewell Staples, 253 Dayton Ave., Xenia, Ohio 45385.